Jan 12, 2013


Did you know that:
1.       A hundred years from now, Facebook will have no fewer than 500 million accounts of dead people?

2.       If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat up a pot of water to prepare gari or a cup of coffee?

3.       Thirty-five per cent of the people using personal ads for dating are already married? Hmm, awon ashewo gbogbo! (hmm, bunch of flirts!)

4.       A cockroach will live up to nine days without its head, before it finally starves to death, WHEREAS a man cannot live up to five minutes without his head? It means cockroaches are stronger than men, especially YOU. Yes, I am talking to you, the one reading this right now! Lol!

5.       Butterflies taste with their feet but MAN cannot taste anything until he mixes his saliva with it? Again, butterflies are better tasters than man, especially YOU! Lol!

6.       A pregnant goldfish is called a twit? Little wonder most pregnant ladies like to use gold background for their Twitter walls. Lol!

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